Lifeguard Training

03/06/2020 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Germantown Indoor Swim Center
18000 Central Park Circle Boyds
US 20841
Germantown Indoor Swim Center
(240) 777-6830

This course will train you to be certified in American Red Cross Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR/AED for Professional Rescuer. Certifications are valid for 2 years. Attendance is required at ALL sessions in order to be certified. Students MUST be 15 years old by the last day of the course. Proof of age is required at the first class. This course includes a pre-course check. The first date listed is the pre-course. You MUST pass the pre-course to continue. The pre-course consists of:

1. 300 meter swim (front crawl or breaststroke).
2. Tread water for 2 minutes using only legs.
3. Swim 20 yards (free or breast), surface dive to 7-10 feet, retrieve a 10-pound object, return to the surface and swim 20 yards on your back to starting position, exit the water on your own in under 1 minute, 40 seconds.
Please click on event website for class details and registration.