Founded in 1976, Georgetown Aquatics provides professional swimming pool management and repair service to recreational facilities. The company is located at 4700 Bready Road, Rockville, Maryland in Montgomery County, which is central to the facilities that we manage. There are many benefits that we can offer our clients, such as: continuity of staff, with an approximately 75% return rate, an excellent relationship with the county Health Department, full-time availability of owner and supervisors, high safety and cleaning standards, safety drills, along with written employee guidelines and manuals. In addition, we offer expertise concentrated in four specific areas: management, repairs, coaching and instruction.
Want to apply for a job? Need to update your information or make a Payroll correction? use this link to manage your employment with Georgetown Aquatics.
Calendar information about upcoming courses, pay dates and uniform pickup details can be found here.
Lifeguard Training
Find information here about our lifeguard training and pool operator's courses as well as links to other courses in the area.
Contact Us
If you would like information about the services that we provide or just want to get in touch with us, please contact us. We will promptly respond to your inquiry.